Welcome to my blog. I cannot say it will always be positive nor will it always be happy but it is life. God does not give us an guarantees in life except that He will love us, provide for us and take care of us. My life has taken turns I would never have anticipated but through God's grace and love I continue on my journey, one step at a time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Where did summer go?

I thought summers were suppose to be nice and relaxing. After this summer I am not so sure about that. So, I hurt my back then we lost a dear friend. Added to that is tons of appointments with my doctor and chiropractor for my back, a consultation to a plastic surgeon for a breast reduction (Tuesday), an appointment with a nutritionist (Wednesday), trying to get to the gym at least 5 times a week, running around buying gifts for what seems like a ton of people, and just being plain busy with many other activities and the same old, same old, work keeping the house in order. I cannot believe tomorrow is the last day of summer school. I cannot believe that I will be working 9 weekdays at my regular job, have a 4 day weekend then go back to school for the school year. I have so much to get done before the start of the school year. I know it will get done I just hope it is done with little stress.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I long for...

Sometimes I long for...

-Seeing a positive pregnancy test
-Seeing my baby's heartbeat on the screen
-Spending money on new clothes because I am getting "so fat" from pregnancy
-Feeling the discomfort of my stomach growing
-Feeling the discomfort of being huge with pregnancy
-A sleepless night because I cannot get comfortable
-Knowing I am in labor and ready to bring my child into the world

Do the women who have these opportunities realize how blessed they are? Do they realize that while they are complaining there are women that would give just about anything to feel the "discomforts" of pregnancy? Do they realize these women who long to be pregnant would welcome all the "discomforts"?

Other times I long for...
-Dirty diapers
-Being woken at night by a crying baby
-Tons of laundry
-Taking forever to get ready to go somewhere because there is a baby and all the stuff to go along with it
-Seeing my baby smile
-Cleaning my babies face after it has gotten food all over
...so many more things.

Again...do the women that complain about the above realize how many women would give almost anything for those things? Do they realize how blessed they are?