Welcome to my blog. I cannot say it will always be positive nor will it always be happy but it is life. God does not give us an guarantees in life except that He will love us, provide for us and take care of us. My life has taken turns I would never have anticipated but through God's grace and love I continue on my journey, one step at a time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Would I have chosen the same path?

I often think about the paths I chosen in my life. I did not always choose the right path and I certainly did not always choose the easy path but they are the paths I have gone down. I wonder, if I had it to do all over again would I choose the same way? If I changed my choices, what would my life be like now? Of course, the one path I wish I had not chosen was the path that did not follow God for many years. I would change that if I could. Now all I can do is make up for those years on the wrong path. Other changes? If I could go back I would change not getting see my Grandma before she passed away. Others? I really don't think so. Oh there are those times when I say I wish I had never _____ or I wish I could change_____. However, I really don't think I would.

As I write this I think about those who live in the past. Obviously, it is not healthy to do this but don't we all at times. Dwelling on the past cannot help me in the future. But briefly looking at the past and learning from it can. I know there are times when I seem stuck in the past. But more often I look into the past for remembrance and learning.

God has given me the power of choice. I pray I make the right choices and look to today and the future.

Here I still sit

Well, here I sit, still not back to work yet. I went to the chiropractor and the doctor yesterday. My doctor could feel knots in my back and said it was still swollen so she wants me out until Thursday. I did do a few things around the house today. Just a little laundry and made dinner but it is more than I have done. I am paying for it with a little bit more of a sore back. I go back to the chiropractor tomorrow. We are going to begin working on my neck pain (chronic) because he does not want to work on my lower back until my middle back is healed. Oh what fun. I am just praying my doctor's bills are too much!