Welcome to my blog. I cannot say it will always be positive nor will it always be happy but it is life. God does not give us an guarantees in life except that He will love us, provide for us and take care of us. My life has taken turns I would never have anticipated but through God's grace and love I continue on my journey, one step at a time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I am ready to...


This truly is something that is near and dear to my heart. I am at my highest weight ever. I use to be nice and trim. I would go to the gym every morning before work and workout for an hour, I ate right and I felt great. Then life happened and I gained a lot of weight. I am ready to shed these pounds, gain energy and be happy with myself again.


  1. Now that you've started a blog, you're required to stick to it! ;) Good luck to you, Steph!

  2. You can count on us to make sure you are working toward your goal!

    Been to the gym lately?

    ;-) (I'm from SS, like Chandler!)
