Welcome to my blog. I cannot say it will always be positive nor will it always be happy but it is life. God does not give us an guarantees in life except that He will love us, provide for us and take care of us. My life has taken turns I would never have anticipated but through God's grace and love I continue on my journey, one step at a time.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Purchases

I started purchasing items we may need for foster care. I went to some rummage sales to get clothes and anything else I could find. I chose rummage sales because I wanted to get clothes for boys and girls from infant to 6 years old. I found some really adorable clothes all look new. I could not believe the prices! They were great!

I also found everything to set up a nursery. Now all we need is the crib. It is a Noah's Ark theme. I got all the bedding, decorations, a stool, diaper holder, etc. for only $50. I was excited about that since I really wanted to so that theme and it matches the color the room is already.

I think it is very difficult to plan for an age range. When someone is pregnant they know they are getting an infant but we have no idea what we are getting except that it will be in our age range.

At times, my excitement wanes. However, at other times I am excited. I wish my emotions were more consistent.

1 comment:

  1. This is a true challenge! Necessities are so different for a 10 month old verses a 10 year old. I've still not figured out exactly what we "must have"! Good thing there are 24 hour dept stores!
