Welcome to my blog. I cannot say it will always be positive nor will it always be happy but it is life. God does not give us an guarantees in life except that He will love us, provide for us and take care of us. My life has taken turns I would never have anticipated but through God's grace and love I continue on my journey, one step at a time.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I wipe tears from my eyes...

because of all the support I am being shown! Thank you all so much! (Chandler and Liz, my latest blog posting encouragers). am proud to say it has been 48 hours 12 minutes. I am on such a "high" right now. I know I will not start smoking again!


  1. Steph - I know you can do it!! Not only do I pray at devotional time but when I think of you during the day I say a prayer asking God to give you strength to overcome your habit of smoking. You will feel so much better both physically and mentally! I Love You!!! Mom

  2. ah yes, the smoking diet. errrr! it can be a b*tch but it can happen. been there. quit a couple times but did quit-quit this last time. hang in there. day by day! those evil lil friend/enemy love-hate things. they say it is harder to stop than the drug heroin. good grief. yeh, like hearing that helps any. lol.
    hang in there. i think the first couple weeks were the roughest.
